Monday, December 27, 2010

Bentley Disney

I adopted Bentley on December 8th. He has settled into our home and family perfectly! You'd think he's always been a part of the family! His demeanor is one of the most pleasant I've ever seen in a furbaby - very obedient, well mannered, docile.... We take him for a walk every evening and he walks right along with us and when people and other pets walk by us - he doesn't bark at them or go crazy, he just walks right on by! He rides so nice in the car - just sits on the back seat and looks out the window. I take him out with me to places sometimes and he is just so well behaved! And - he is a huge snuggler!! So loving! He is great with my cat, Sassy, who is 14 years old. And - is he the photogenic doggie! When I get the camera out, he comes running over to me and won't leave me alone - he loves to have his picture taken! LOL

This was his first Christmas with us and Santa Paws was very good to him! Bentley LOVES all of his new toys and treats!! He loves playing fetch and walking around with a toy in his mouth. So, he was very happy on Christmas day!

We are very happy to have Bentley as a part of our family and I am very thankful to the rescue for working with me to find the perfect fit for our home!


  1. He is beautiful! Simply one of the best looking dogs I have ever seen. He is about as handsome as our Baxter who we adopted from Friends in October and he is just great! I am so glad you were able to adopt him.

    They are a great shelter and go to great lengths to provide a loving, caring and pleasant environment for the dogs and cats. Simply one of the best looking dogs I have ever seen.

  2. I loved that dog! I'm so happy you adopted him! He was my first rescue! He finally got the home he deserved! He is truly a photogenic dog! I was his kennel partner and thankfully not for a long time! He looks like he's right at home! Thank you for the update on him! I've been wondering how he was!
