We did change her name to Sadie.
So we thought it was about time that we gave you all an update on our lovely puppy Miss Sadie Mae. She has clawed her way deep into our hearts :) Even though she is a little stinker we love her. So the first few weeks of having her were pretty much a breeze, she was overall well-trained (still things we need to work on), loving and a happy dog. She is great with adults and kids alike.
However, right before Anthony and I headed on vacation we took her over to a friend's house where they have two Chihuahuas and she decided that it was her place to play the dominant role and attack the smaller dogs. This did not go over so well…we ended up bringing her home early since we couldn't trust her with the other dogs. So, we decided we will need to get her into a behavior class to socialize her. I have to wonder though if this was an isolated event as she was fine with the other dogs at the rescue, but alas better to be cautious. The groomer also made mention that she is very aggressive towards other dogs.
Then we went on vacation and her behavior has completely changed. While we were gone it looks like she had some issues with anxiety, as we came home to a destroyed shade on our back door, multiple door handles chewed up and at least ten different pee spots in the house (we learned the trick of using a black light to find the spots). She was more defiant for a few weeks. She didn't follow commands that she was previously perfectly following, but we are getting back into a groove with that.
She is still a wonderful loving puppy that likes to push the bounds more.
We have learned that she can almost jump the back fence (made of cinder blocks and is at least 6ft tall), likes to chase birds and any other animals she can find, and dislikes storms. She has found a home under our bed and under the dining room table, so we have decided that she likes cave like atmospheres. Within in the last few weeks she now decides that when we go into the kitchen that she needs to hide under the dining room table until we are done… not sure what the trigger point is there.
Her training (or re-re-training) is coming along. She has no time for most toys...except for the squeaking stuffed animals. She loves to make them squeak. When she pounces on them she sniffs for the squeaker and then just squeak, squeak, squeak. Cutest thing ever. When she runs she actually prances like a deer. She stalks like a fox. And she cuddles like a, well, like a cuddly dog.
We are so happy to have her in our lives. Thank you very much.
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